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Aerial operations

The State of Israel’s airspace is unique. Though it is narrow and cramped, many aerial operations take place inside it by military, commercial and private aircraft of different kinds. In addition, there are many flight limitations over areas permanently closed to flight, among them areas in Judea and Samaria, over Israel’s borders, over government facilities and local air monitoring areas such as landing pads, military bases and locations with high sensitivity to information security.

LIFEAIR’s aerial operations arm has long-time experience in coordinating, synchronizing, accompanying and monitoring the entire flight activity required by the company’s air fleet and other aircraft operated by the company for its clients.

The aerial operations arm specializes in a number of fields:

  • Managing aerial operations of the company’s planes and other aircraft according to the customer’s requirements. Many times, it is necessary to launch several aircraft simultaneously or consecutively. LIFEAIR has wide experience in coordinating and monitoring formation flights, target flights, calibration flights, ambulance flights and airborne systems at research and development flights.
  • Managing and accompanying land operations, including security coordination, posting logistics equipment needed for various tasks, briefing and managing timetables, reporting on performance and updating work plans, writing safety and operation reports, providing solutions to managerial and operational gaps in real time.
  • Writing and assessing statements of work for special projects. Characterization of these statements and project management is done by professionals with over 10 years’ experience in the field of flight projects. With LIFEAIR, the customer knows in advance exactly how a project will start and how it will end.
  • Managing land-to-air communication, preparing flight aids and electronic flight brief. Air flight connections and 3rd-party solutions. The company’s aerial operations accompany the activity even when it takes place on-air. The company provides full professional coverage during the flight, with a deep understanding of the importance of the mission and its performance in view of the costs of operation and the commercial sensitivity to the project’s success.
  • The company’s operational arm is active 24 hours a day and provides routine and emergency solutions according to the customer’s needs and the task at hand. We at LIFEAIR fully understand how to give the client exactly what they need while providing personal and constant accompaniment. From the first call, our operations team will provide the customer with the tools to advance their goals in a professional and accurate way.
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