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ISO 9001-2015

LifeAir Airline Holds an ISO 9001 International Standards Certification

LifeAir airline company meets the ISO 9001 International standards of quality control. It was certified by the Israeli Standards Institute according to the requirements of the International Standards Organization (ISO) in 2015.

The ISO 9001 certification means that we can guarantee that our customers will enjoy the company’s external quality control and efficient planning supervision according to their requirements. Additionally, it means that we make sure that our service is in line with the standards’ guidelines and that we implement processes for the continuous improvement of the system by adjusting it according to both our clients’ requirements and to international standards. To meet the ISO 9001 standards, additional factors of the company are constantly being tested, such as management leadership, employee involvement, quality and methods of managing suppliers, etc.

We manage to meet the strict standards by collecting and analyzing significant data, such as the level of clients’ approval. We use the data to continue to improve customer management and other business processes in the company.


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